Thursday, May 15, 2014

Worst week ever!

I have got to say that was the worst week ever.  I've been just worn out every single night.  Too tired to write, too tired to read, too tired to blog; I was even too tired to go to bed.

The worst part is I don't even have a physical job.  I'd feel less lame if I dug ditches or fixed cars or something.  I have a job where I sit and think all day, and that just absolutely wears me out sometimes.  Worse yet is the past week or two everything that can go wrong absolutely has.  I've been working for about 14 days straight, and it just wore me out.

Yes, I know people do this all the time and never complain.  What can I say?  I'm a whiner.  Always have been.

My plan is to start writing on Switch again this weekend (since tomorrow is full of obligations) and get back up on the horse of blogging and writing and whatnot.  The end is near, it should be over by now, and hopefully I can get back to a semblance of normalcy.

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