I hate the new Word. A lot.
I originally wrote Switch in the old Word, but I've upgraded my computer between then and now, so I'm rewriting it on the new Word. What should I see but suddenly that I have a mix of straight quote marks and "smart quotes," which are basically designed to slant to the left or right, depending on their orientation and how difficult it will be to eradicate them and make them correct.
I wanted to get rid of them, but I couldn't figure out how. Perhaps you're all smart enough to know that it's under File, Options, Proofing, Autocorrect, but that totally escaped me. I punched F1, which should be help, but of course I got the Microsoft Help system, not the Word Help system, which I had to go find under the main header again.
Meaning that the entire system is now less useful than it was before, not more useful. I'm not going to lie - some of this is just that I hate change. A lot more of it is that these wonks who keep changing everything obviously have never used the products they're trying to jam down our throats!
Okay, I'm done ranting about this now. Back to the rewrite. I need to cut 20% of the story, and now that I'm through about 1/5th of it, I've cut...about 3%. Ugh. I'm going to need to get a bigger scalpel.
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