Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Just where I thought!

I always figured that the last quarter of Switch was ripe for reduction.  Now that I'm in the back half, I find that I was correct.  I just rewrote a fifteen-page chapter, and ended up cutting it to six pages.  Took out a minor character, an unimportant sub-plot, another plot point I didn't really do anything with, and tightened it up to flow much better.  Unfortunately, it's a stub chapter now and is bizarrely shorter than the others.

So I can either combine it with a later (or earlier) chapter, or I can leave it alone, or I can chop up some of the other chapters.  Frankly, I wonder if chopping up other chapters isn't the answer, since I always wonder where to do chapter breaks.

I always do it by feel - if it feels like a break, then I do.  Some chapters will cover multiple days, while others just one continuous scene.  I always wonder if I have a good feel for it or not.

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