Thursday, April 10, 2014

Sick, not in a good way

I've been sick.  And not in a good, feverish way, either, but in a bad, "stomach tied up in knots and general lethargy" way.  What does that have to do with writing, you ask?

It's my blog and I'll put weird stuff on there when I want to.

Actually it's because I was thinking about how when I have a fever, sometimes I have my best ideas and I'll move stories forward.  But with this illness, I just felt too bad to do anything except feel bad.  Fevers can help sometimes - I guess the higher temperature makes my brain come up with wild ideas.

I'm outlining a story right now, and usually that means I end up with anywhere from 20 to 30 bullet points that form the main storyline.  I've gotten 7 and kind of run out of steam. I know the story needs to go on from there, but I'm not sure how to proceed.  I was hoping for a fever dream to sort it all out, but I got nothing.  And I guess I do know the last bullet, so I technically have 8 bullet points, but I still need a whole lot more.

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